My Cat is Suddenly Losing His Balance and Walking Like He’s Drunk
You wake up one morning and notice your precious feline is having difficulty getting up. Once he’s standing on all fours, he has an odd head tilt and starts walking…
You wake up one morning and notice your precious feline is having difficulty getting up. Once he’s standing on all fours, he has an odd head tilt and starts walking…
The package you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived! You rip it open, seize the contents, and toss the box aside. Before that cardboard even hits the floor, your cat…
Children love to play peek-a-boo. Ever wondered why? It’s because of something called object permanence. Object permanence involves understanding items and people exist even when you can’t see or hear…
One day she’s a sweet, cuddly little kitten content to stretch out in your lap and doze off with a tender smile on her furry little face. The next day…
A client called me on day to ask me why her cat was peeing anywhere but the litterbox. I explained there could be a medical reason her fastidious feline was…
Children learn that cat cows go,” moo,” dogs go “woof,” and cats go meow.” Those aren’t the extent of every sound an animal can make. It’s an oversimplification to help…
Some of the most common questions we get are related to cats biting gently while purring. If your cat has recently developed this behavior, you might have questions about why…
What is littermate syndrome? Littermate syndrome refers to a set of behaviours that can develop when two or more puppies from the same litter are raised together in the same…
Has your cat run away from home? Whether this is the first time your indoor cat has run away, your indoor/outdoor cat has been gone longer than usual, or your…
You walk in the door, fill the food bowl, flip through the mail, and head to your bedroom to change. Before you’ve even crossed the threshold, you feel the familiar…