The regal looks of the feline species have captured the human heart for centuries. But there’s one attribute in particular that makes any cat lover swoon: the eyes of a cat.
A cat’s eye colors can range from blue to yellow, copper, brown, green, and odd-colored eyes (blue and another color). Whatever the color—the bigger they are, the better. If you’re as obsessed with cats that have big eyes as we are, then you’re going to love these 22 big-eyed beauties.
22 Cat breed with big eyes that we love
Looking for a wide-eyed cat that looks as eager to join your family as they feel? These cat breeds are sure to catch your eye.
1. Abyssinian
The Abyssinian cat breed, or Aby as they’re affectionally called, have large, almond-shaped eyes with colors as rich as their history. Sporting vibrant green, hazel, copper, and golden colored-eyes, the Abyssinian cat breed is one of the oldest and retains an appearance similar to the cats of Ancient Egypt. They thrive in the company of humans and are described as a dog-like breed. The only feature bigger than their eyes is their proportionally large ears. The Aby breed requires little grooming—they’re happiest and healthiest with a weekly brushing and routine nail trims.
2. British Shorthair
The most common British shorthair type flaunts a thick blue coat and large, striking orange eyes. But British shorthair cats can come in all coat colors and patterns, with the eye color depending on the coat. They’re a laidback breed known to have a lower energy level than other cats, making them a great choice for first-time and experienced cat parents. While you can thank their brachycephalic traits for their large, round eyes, the breed is prone to eye infections and breathing difficulties, like all flat-faced cat breeds.
3. Burmese
Their eye-catching looks might grab your attention, but it’s this breed’s easy-going personality and companionship to children and other pets that make the Burmese cat one of the most popular among families. There are two types of Burmese cats, the American Burmese and European Burmese. While the body build will vary slightly between the cats, you can expect all of the Burmese cats to flaunt huge, expressive eyes. The Burmese breed isn’t known to have any particular health problems but is known to have a higher occurrence than other breeds of diabetes and kidney disease.
4. California Spangled
If it’s a big-eyed cat that looks like a mini leopard you’re looking for, then the rare California Spangled might be the cat for you. Unlike the Bengal cat breed, no wild cats were used to create the California Spangled breed. Instead, this bright-eyed breed was created by breeding several domestic breeds including Abyssinians, Siamese, Persians, American, a feral Egyptian cat, a house cat from Malaysia, domestic shorthairs, a spotted Manx, and British Shorthairs.
5. Chartreux
This wide-eyed French breed is cherished for their quiet temperament and independent personality. The Chartreux cat breed features one coat color: a plush blue coat made even more striking by their bright, copper-colored eyes. Their heads and bodies are round while their limbs are short and slender—lovingly referred to as a “potato with toothpicks”. The Chartreux cat breed is easy to care for but requires a brush once a week to remove loose hairs, plus routine nail trims and dental care.
6. Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex breed was created when from a random genetic mutation that produced a short, curly-haired kitten. The breed lacks guard hairs, giving the light coat an incredibly soft feel. They come in all coat patterns and colors and have large oval eyes that also vary in color. The unique-looking breed is described as a high-energy, spirited companion.
7. Cymric Cat
Also known as the longhaired Manx, the Cymric cat breed has a lush, double coat that varies in color and pattern. Their eyes are large and round, and they slightly slope towards the ears. Besides their larger than typical eyes, Cymric cats have longer back legs than the front, making them exceptional jumpers but prone to arthritis, stiffness, and Manx syndrome.
8. Devon Rex
The coat of a Devon Rex cat is short, soft, and curly. It contains all three types of hair: guard, awn, and down. Their whiskers and eyebrows are short and crinkled, framing their wide-eyed expression. Their large, playful eyes match their high-energy personalities. This breed is intelligent, curious, and mischievous—traits that they retain from kittenhood and into adulthood.
9. Egyptian Mau
The Egyptian Mau is a small to a medium shorthaired cat that originated in Egypt and is the only naturally occurring species with a spotted coat. Their bright, big green eyes are amplified by their stunning silver, bronze, smoke, black, caramel, and blue/pewter coat colors. Bigger than this breed’s eyes are their personality—which is playful throughout life and life eager for human companionship.
10. Elf Cat
Also known as the Elf Sphynx, the Elf cat is a modified sphynx with curled ears. The breed appears to be a hairless cat but they’re not truly hairless, the founder of the need breed explains. Instead, Elf cats have fine downy hair that can come in grey, black, beige, and pink colors. They have big, expressive eyes that are of all colors. Because of special skin care needs, Elf cats are most suitable for experienced cat owners that have ample time for grooming.
11. Japanese Bobtail
The Japanese Bobtail cat breed is recognized by their short legs, stubby tail, and big, wide eyes. They’re native to Japan and remain an important symbol of luck—you’ll often see the “beckoning cat” or Maneki-Neko modeled after the breed. They can come in a variety of colors and patterns, but you’re most likely to see them in the beckoning cat colors of white with colored spots.
12. LaPerm Cat
The history of the curly-coat LaPerm begins on a cherry farm in The Dalles, Oregon with a spontaneous mutation. They have springy curls, especially around their neck. Their wide-eyed expression makes them appear alert and active. They’re a gentle lap cat that loves to loudly express happiness with a distinctive purr. Despite their medium to longhaired curly to wavy hair, LaPerm cats aren’t prone to shedding.
13. Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their large stature (12 to 16 pounds), but did you know they have big, wide cat eyes too? Wegies, as they’re loving called, have eyes the shades of green, gold, or copper (or a shade somewhere between all three). They have long, double coats adapted to keep them warm in the freezing Northern Hemisphere winters. The top guard hairs of their all-colored coats are long, glossy, and water-resistant. Despite their large size and athletic build, this breed of cat is known to have a loving, gentle personality.
14. Ocicat
This wild-looking cat breed was created by crossing the Abyssinian cat with the Siamese cat. The Ocicat cat breed has a short, glossy coat with contrasting spots and comes in about a dozen different colors. Resembling a leopard, Ocicat cats gets their name from the ocelot, a spotted cat from South America. Their large, almond-shaped eyes are angled towards the ears and although these cats are a little larger than the typical house cat, they don’t have wild ancestors. They’re described as highly intelligent and social with trusted human companions.
15. Persian
The Persian cat breed comes in many colors, but you can always recognize them by their round, flat faces and saucer-like eyes. They’re one of the oldest breeds of cats and have been adored by humans for centuries. They love to be dotted on by their human companions, which comes in handy for their daily grooming needs. They’re a wonderful choice for first-time pet parents, multi-pet households, and families—but will happily find another place to catnap if their housemates become too rambunctious.
16. RagaMuffin Cat
The RagMuffin cat breed will dazzle humans with their big, eyes in shades of green, gold, or copper—or less commonly, blue like their Ragdoll cousin. The RagaMuffin comes in a variety of non-pointed colors as well as pointed colors, but color-pointed RagaMuffin cats aren’t an accepted standard by the Cat Fanciers’ Association. With routine care and vet visits, RagaMuffin cats have a lifespan of 12 to 14 years.
17. Russian Blue
The Russian Blue cat breed is a naturally occurring breed, spotted by their plush blue-grey coat and big, green eyes. Their a friendly breed inside and out—with prominent whisker pads, slightly upturned corners of the mouth, and warm, almond-shaped eyes. Some say cats of this breed look like they’re smiling. They’re a sweet and loving breed who can be somewhat reserved around strangers but affectionate towards their family. Plus, they’re not known to be prone to shedding, making them an ideal companion for those that suffer from allergies.
18. Scottish Fold
Prized for their rounded appearance thanks to their folded ears and big, round eyes, the Scottish Fold is a unique-looking natural breed of cat. Because the gene responsible for folded ears can cause other medical concerns like Osteodystrophy or osteochondrodysplasia, Scottish Folds aren’t permitted to breed with one another. Instead, Scottish Folds are bred with British shorthair and American shorthair in hope of the random mutation. The breed is calm, well-adjusted, intelligent, and affectionate.
19. Siberian Forest Cat
This slow-maturing big-eyed cat is a gentle giant (12 to 15 pounds). With their fluffy coat and bright golden, green, copper eyes, or blues eyes, it’s easy to swoon over the looks of the majestic Siberian cat breed. Plus, if it’s a kitten-like personality that you love, Siberian cats are slow to mature. They can take as long as five years to mature physically and emotionally, but never really lose their sense of playfulness.
20. Singapura
They might be the smallest breed of domestic cat, but the Singapura cat breed retains a big, wide-eyed expression. They have cheetah marks or lines from their inner eye to their whisker pads, eyeliner-like black marking around their eyes, and a distinctive M marking on their forehead. Their expressive features match their inquisitive, friendly, and sometimes, mischievous personalities. Their short, ticked coat doesn’t require extensive grooming. They’re a relatively healthy breed, but Singapura cats are at risk of an inherited disease known as pyruvate kinase deficiency. So, ask for testing when you adopt or purchase your next Singapura cat.
21. Sphynx
Life with a Sphynx cat breed is sure to come with joy. This almost hairless cat is known as the clown of the cat world, with a curious, outgoing, and friendly personality. They have peach fuzz fur that is soft to the touch and they come every coat color and pattern. They don’t have any whiskers, which makes their big, slightly slanted eyes stand out even more. Sphynx cats get along with just about anyone—if they’re willing to help out with their daily grooming. The Sphynx cat is an overall healthy breed of cat, but there is a history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congenital myasthenic syndrome in certain lines. So, ask your breeder or local shelter to genetically test when welcoming a new feline to your household.
22. Tonkinese
Affectionally called Tonks, the Tonkinese cat breed is a cross between a Siamese and Burmese—and they share the best traits of both breeds. Those familiar with the sweet Tonk breed describe them as active, extremely curious, and very fond of affection. If their soothing blue to aqua eyes don’t win you over, their distinctive seal, chocolate, blue, or lilac silky coat might. Because of their playful nature and dislike for being left alone, two Tonks might be better than one.
FAQs about big-eyed cats
Is it normal for a cat’s eyes to be big?
Depending on the breed of your cat, it is normal for cats to have different overall eye sizes, colors, and shapes. If you notice that the pupils of your cat’s eyes are different sizes or remain dilated for an extended period, contact your vet for care.
Why do some cat breeds have larger eyes than others?
Just like us, genetics plays a role in determining what cats look like. Whether for evolutionary adaptation or selective breeding by humans, a cat’s genetics determines the size of their eyes.
What does it mean when a cat’s eyes are big and round?
If your cat’s eyes are big, round, and have dilated pupils—your cat is in a state of excitement. They might be ready to pounce on their favorite toy or eat their favorite snack. Cats can also have dilated pupils when they’re stressed or in pain.
Can a cat’s eyes be abnormally big?
While rare, all breeds of cats can experience Macrophthalmia, or a congenital condition that causes one or both eyes to be abnormally large.
Check out this Cat-World article about the most beautiful blue-eyed cats!
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